Sports have evolved substantially in recent times and "mela" management techniques do not work anymore. Our sports officials need to start treating sports like a business: there needs to be a strategic plan, proper accounting and audits, human resource development, a board of directors with real executive powers, customer service management, annual reports and reviews, etc., etc.
Sponsors need to be looked at as partners and not donors. The Government should be a resource and not the solution. Senior administrators must have the mindset of a CEO and not a 3rd-world dictator. People should be hired and promoted based on merit and not nepotism.
With all this in mind, I have added a new section to this Blog (see left hand column) which lists links to various sports business resources like news sites and management degree programs . I will also start posting interesting tidbits from around the sports world which I hope will educate and inspire Nepalis involved in the sports sector.
I am all for "melas", but they would be a million times more fun if it was to celebrate excellence in sports instead of the current mediocrity.